There are 3 major types of acupuncture approaches.
Your physiotherapist is well educated and qualified for all these three approaches.
1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Approach:
Your acupuncturist is a Registered Acupuncturist R.Ac. with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) since its inception. Currently a R.Ac. is a regulated professional. The practice of R.Ac. requires years of training and understanding of using the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to manage your pain and dysfunction. Andy was trained in China and at Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, any neck or back pain, or joint dysfunction, this TCM approach may work especially for you. We can also provide Cupping and Gua Sha as an adjunct to your TCM acupuncture. All these will either sedate your pain or tonify your energy level by re-balancing your Qi & Blood.
2. Anatomical Acupuncture Approach:
Your acupuncturist was also trained under the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute and passed their Board Examination since 1995 in performing this Anatomical Acupuncture.
This approach has been proven very useful for sport injuries, any muscle strain or ligament sprain, and joint dysfunctions including stiff neck and back pain.
3. Dry-Needling Approach:
Your acupuncturist was also trained under Chan-Gunn Intra-Muscular Stimulation approach since 1995 to perform Dry-Needling.
This approach can be highly painful, but yet effective in the management of muscle pain or muscle spasm. Many high performance athletes prefer Dry-Needling.
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